Tag: Sparring

Colour Belt Testing – Juniors – October 21, 2022

We held Colour Belt testing on October 21, 2022.  Here are some excerpts form the junior session.Click here for the Video

Excerpts from Adult Colour Belt Testing

Colour Belt Testing was October 21, 2022.  Here are some excerpts from the Adult testing.  Click here for the Video

Inter-School Tournament

Our First Inter- School Tournament. Mark November 12, 2022 on your calendar.  CKMAF is having its first inter-school tournament.  You had your appetite  wetted at Master William’s Tournament earlier this…
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Excerpts from April 2022 Colour Belt Testing.

Check out some excerpts from our April 22, 2022 Colour Belt Testing. Click here for the Video

Jay Williams Spring 2022 Inter-School Tournament Excerpts

It was a great day Saturday April 02, 2022. As some students returned to a tournament after a long wait and some students got to participate in their very first…
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